Arrival Movie I’m entirely convinced that the film Arrival all about what it means to be a poet in today’s world.
Arrival Movie I’m entirely convinced that the film Arrival all about what it means to be a poet in today’s world.
Uploaded by Lee Potts Ofs
To this day I regret reading Ayn Rand when I was too young to see her writing for what it was.
To this day I regret reading Ayn Rand when I was too young to see her writing for what it was. Uploaded by Lee Potts Ofs
Found on Twitter…
Found on Twitter… Uploaded by Lee Potts Ofs
Actually got out of the hotel for a while on this trip.
Actually got out of the hotel for a while on this trip. Uploaded by Lee Potts Ofs
News And Guts
The press vs. Trump supporters My humble contribution to the current political conversation…
Thinking Humanity
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens