Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
Gady Epstein on Twitter Not many presidents could make threatening nuclear war the second worst thing he did in a week. — Gady Epstein (@gadyepstein) August 12, 2017
Gady Epstein on Twitter Not many presidents could make threatening nuclear war the second worst thing he did in a week. — Gady Epstein (@gadyepstein) August 12, 2017
Fr. James Martin, SJ This should be read from every pulpit in the nation tomorrow….
News And Guts The silence from the Twitter-er in Chief on this disgraceful situation speaks volumes.
Opinion | Who Ate Republicans’ Brains?
What’s next: Catholics, America and a world made new Lot of great stuff in this talk like: “Silence is water in the desert of modern desire.”
News And Guts
Opinion | Priebus: I sold my soul for this? Kind of like CS Lewis’ Screwtape Letters set in the contemporary political landscape. My favorite bit: “Trump? No, I don’t have a deal with him. To be worth my time, my collaborators have to possess some reservoir of decency they can surrender. If there were anything in it for me, believe me I’d get […]
A Forceful Essay Hits a Nerve | Commonweal Magazine This piece and the one it examines and expands on are both must reads. American Catholics need to stop defining themselves using the framework received from the political system.we live in. If we are faithful, we are neither wholly liberal nor conservative, democrat nor republican. To become deeply entrenched in either side of these […]