Opinion | How to handle an unhinged president
http://buff.ly/2tnfLqG “Trump’s conservative defenders are attempting something extraordinary: to politically normalize abnormal psychology. Their sycophancy enables a sickness.”
Compass | Burningword Literary Journal
http://ift.tt/2tNDhO6 As some of you know, I started writing again last year (after a 25 or so year long hiatus). I’m excited to share that I have a poem in the July issue of Burningword Literary Journal. The last time I had a poem in print (1993), Bill Cinton was sworn in for his first […]
62 seconds of Sean Spicer not answering a simple question
http://buff.ly/2sb2xy9 “Remember that Donald Trump is — and always has been — a creature of the TV media. He loves cable news, consuming it nearly-constantly judging by his Twitter feed. He knows that without pictures — ideally moving pictures — stories lose oxygen. He — and his White House — are trying to starve stories […]
“Remember that Donald Trump is — and always has been — a creature of the TV media. He loves cable news, consuming it nearly-constantly judging by his Twitter feed. He knows that without pictures — ideally moving pictures — stories lose oxygen. He — and his White House — are trying to starve stories of just that oxygen.”
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“Draining the swamp”
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DeVos Appoints CEO Of A Student Loan Company To Head Federal Aid Agency
http://buff.ly/2s4npr3 “Draining the swamp”
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U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren