Kathryn and I getting ready to do the zipline at Camelback
Kathryn and I getting ready to do the zipline at Camelback Uploaded by Lee Potts Ofs
Kathryn and I getting ready to do the zipline at Camelback
from Facebook
Dan Rather
Wow, just took a quick look at my FB timeline. It’s possible that I might have been overdoing it with the political posts lately.
from Facebook
I’m imaging hundreds (if not thousands) of people on Trump’s Twitter page repeatedly hitting F5 all night. What a time we live in.
from Facebook
from Facebook
News And Guts
News And Guts
“When asked if he meant if those institutions were ‘under assauly’ internally by the president himself, Clapper said ‘exactly’ and added that he believed Trump was undermining the checks and balances inherent to the U.S. political system.”
from Facebook
James Clapper: Our institutions ‘are under assault’ both externally and internally
http://nbcnews.to/2qGziCa “When asked if he meant if those institutions were ‘under assauly’ internally by the president himself, Clapper said ‘exactly’ and added that he believed Trump was undermining the checks and balances inherent to the U.S. political system.”